Return Policy


Orders put get dispatched in somewhere around 24 hours after your estimation affirmation. From that point, it generally requires 3-5 working days for the dispatch accomplice to convey it to you. COD requests might require 1-2 days extra.



Want to exchange or return an item you ordered?

Step 1 - Please fill out the Return form or please email us at or call us at +91 9910827956, +91 99108 27986 within 7 Days of receiving your order.

Step 2 - We will set up a Converse to get through our dispatch accomplice. Kindly guarantee to hand over a similar piece of clothing in a similar condition as you got it (unused, with all labels and scanner tags).

Step 3 - Send us your bank account details (in case of refund) or measurements (in case of exchange)

Step 4 - We will let you know as soon as we receive the product and refund you the money or send you an exchange piece.

Step 5 - Do share your feedback with us on the garments as well as the experience of shopping with us so we can do better!



We want to make your experience of shopping with us as easy as possible. We call every customer prior to dispatching your order to ensure that what you have ordered fits you perfectly and you enjoy our garments for many wears. 

Anyway if you are not content with the item or fit under any condition if it's not too much trouble, reach us over WhatsApp, email, call, or Instagram in no less than 7 days of getting the piece of clothing and we will start a return get. When we get the piece of clothing and find it in unused and resalable condition we will give you a discount on your unique method of installment. Kindly note that because we rely on messenger accomplices getting back the piece of clothing to our distribution center can require as long as 3 weeks. To speed up this interaction, on the off chance that you could messenger the piece of clothing to us, it at any point will be quicker. We will discount you the expense of delivery if you can furnish us with a receipt.

Our intention is for you to shop confidently on The Pink Moon and not worry about us not returning your money if you are not satisfied with the product.

NOTE: There is no return or exchange accepted for the items that are under clearance sale.

NOTE: Refunds will only be processed in the form of store credit. If we feels that the customer has a high return rate.